Sonntag, 14. November 2010

っよっし~~さっそく初リアルポスト(◞≼㊠≻◟ ◞≺㊠≽◟ )

Just came back with my bicycle from several shops buying stuff for doing bentou!!!(Japanese Lunch box)
Recently my darling started working at his Dad's place so i'm full of motivation for bentou making
Their work is outside, making tiles on walls of houses, so it's really really cold, thats why I want to archive a bentou
that has volume as well as cute look

100金 *100Yen Shop*   弁当ボックス    Bentou box
色んな形の型   Several cut forms like Hearts, Stars..
           アニマルピックス   Animal Picks
別けライン      Devider for the bentou sections

Chambre              ・シリコンフォーム   Silicon Forms


I didnt really like the Silicon cups they had at the 100Yen shop. Too small or big sizes and the Silicon doesnt bend easily like the one at Chambre, but costet 500Yen


And as for inspiration 2 books about bentou making from Bunkyoudou. When choosing the books i tried to choose ones with receipes that can be
made rather fast and character bentou book which i always wanted try making. Both together 1900yen

☆d(o⌒∇⌒o)b ★イエーイ★ d(o⌒∇⌒o)b☆
I'll post pictures when i try making bentou, so please look forward~


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