Donnerstag, 13. Januar 2011

This was my year 2010

Wow it's been such a long time since my last post!!!!
So sorry really!!!!!!!!!

My new job (though it's just a baito) is taking me over
like I have never imagined. There were days especially
during the NewYear's sale when I didn't check my mail

or internet for 6 days because I was just too tired to do
anything beyond coming home, eating, showering.

That's why first of all a very belated


May all your wishes come true in 2011!!!

2010 has been a really really chaotic year for me
things didn't really turn out as planned, and I feel
as if it was too slow in moving forward. As well
it was a year of a lot travel and change.

This was my year 2010

February: I finally after graduating from university get
to Sapporo for searching a job in the fashion field.
Leaving Duesseldorf with a lot of nostalgic and sad
feeling but with the motivation of challenging new thing

August: After spending a lot time on job search no
result and having go back to Germany because of
visa experiation. Also made the decision with my
my boyfriend to marry after being 3 years together

as it will be a lot easier for us to live in each country
having no problems with the visa issue.

September: Going to Spain with my family for vacation
My boyfriend also directly comes from Sapporo to

23/9 : Being able to fullfill my boyfriends biggest dream
for his birthday! One day and night in Ibiza with tickets
to Cream at the club Amnesia.

October: Getting back to Germany

09/10: Wedding day with beloved friends and family who
took their way all till South Germany

23/10 : Going back to Sapporo with a lot of motivation for
finding a job

December: Finally after a lot of effort getting a job at KariAng

Though 2010 was quite an exhausting year. I am happy
that i could experience everything i did in this year.

I hope 2011 is gonna bear as much surprises as 2010

Wishing everybody of you an exciting 2011!!!!!!

4 Kommentare:

  1. Oh so much change and many things happened for you in 2010! Your life is really exciting, and you and your husband are so cute together! I hope you will have a great 2011 and maybe we can meet this year XD

  2. Dein Jahr 2010 war furchtbar aufregend, ganz anders als meins, hahaha! Ich hab 2010 an der BA Arbeit gesessen, viel gearbeitet und dann ab Nov WH in Tokoy anzufangen :-) Ich denke 2011 wird viel besser, jetzt wo ich endlich nen Job und Freunde hab hier in Tokyo, lol.

    Ich will im Sommer unbedingt mal Hokkaido kommen um dich zu besuchen, wenn es soweit ist annai shite kudasai ne! >___<

    Viel Erfolg auf der Arbeit weiterhin! Lass dich nicht unterkriegen!

  3. Oh Gott, es ist doch echt krass, wie schnell ein Jahr vergehen kann, oder?! 2010 ist ja nur so dahin geflogen~~

    Bei dir ist ja auch wahnsinnig viel passiert im letzten Jahr,ne~ (Meins bestand nur aus Cult und Uni XD)

    Eure Hochzeit war so wunderschön und ich bin so froh, dass ich mit dabei sein konnte<3<3<3
    Ich hoffe, wir können uns bald wiedersehen-in Hokkaido oder Tokyo^____-

  4. Wow, what an exciting adventure you've had !!

    I'm sorry my email didnt work out
    I was worried about typing my address here online, but here it is again

    I hope you can get ahold of me.
    If not please give me your email in a comment at my blog <33
    Hope to see you soon!!
